The last time an update was pushed to the Voguepay Woocommerce Payment plugin was two months ago, exactly on the 19th of February, 2014, that’s over two month ago.

When I released this plugin way back in January, I decided that this plugin will be updated regularly and supported.

I am pleased to announce v.1.3.0 of the Voguepay Woocommerce Payment Gateway plugin.

In this new version v.1.3.0  two new features were added and one fix was done to the plugin, they are listed below.

  • New: Better support for digital product stores
  • New: Set correct order status for orders that contains downloadable products
  • Fix: Changed deprecated Woocommerce functions

Before this version stores that sells downloadable products and process payment using the Voguepay Woocommerce Payment Gateway plugin, all order status are set to processing, setting an order status of processing after payment is made is suited for stores that sells physical products and needs to package and ship products once payment is received after which the order status can be changed to completed once the order is delivered and received by the customer.

But for stores that sells downloadable (digital) products, this isn’t the case as orders are not packaged and shipped after payment is made but a link to download the product is sent to the customer or via the customer’s account page once payment has been received. So there is no need for an order that contains downloadable (digital) to have a status of processing after payment is made rather it should have an order status of completed.

So this version fixes that. For stores that sells physical products after payment an order status of processing is set but for stores that sells downloadable (digital) products an order status of completed is set.

I also changed some deprecated Woocommerce function.

You can view the entire changelogs for the plugin since when it was released here.

The update will have appeared in your WordPress admin area. So kindly update to the latest version or download the latest version from the plugin directory


Contributions are always welcome. If you will like to contribute to the plugin, feel free to fork the repo on GitHub and submit a pull request with your changes.

If you have any issue using the plugin or want a feature to be added to it feel free to contact me via the Get In Touch link at my site or by clicking here.

And lest I forget I would like to say a big thanks to everyone that uses the plugin.

Happy Easter to you all even though it’s late.