Over the weekend Voguepay launched their new global payment platform.

I have been getting mails from people using the plugin asking if my Voguepay Woocommerce payment plugin will still be compatible with the new Voguepay global payment platform that just launched.

Immediately after the new Voguepay global payment platform was launched I tested the plugin to make sure it is still working perfectly, but discovered it wasn’t working apparently the new global payment platform broke how the plugin works.

Immediately I fixed the issue and released an updated version v2.0.3. Basically the problem was with getting the details of a transaction from the Voguepay payment notification API.

After the release of v2.0.3 of the Voguepay Woocommerce payment gateway plugin I discovered that I forgot to remove an extra line of code that I was using to test the if the payment notification still works and this prevented an order status to be updated once payment was made. This was a mistake on my part, will be more careful next time.

This has been fixed and a new version has been released v2.0.4 which now works perfectly. 

So if you haven’t updated to this version I will recommend you do that right away if you don’t want to encounter any problem using the Voguepay Woocommerce payment gateway plugin on your Woocommerce powered store.

Am working on releasing a new update before the weekend to bring support for the new features that Voguepay has added in their global payment platform. So be on the lookout for it.

The update will have appeared in your WordPress admin area. So kindly update to the latest version or download the latest version from the WordPress.org plugin directory


Contributions are always welcome. If you will like to contribute to the plugin, feel free to fork the repo on GitHub and submit a pull request with your changes.

If you have any issue using the plugin or want a feature to be added to it feel free to contact me via the Get In Touch link at my site or by clicking here.

And lest I forget I would like to say a big thanks to everyone that uses the plugin.