Happy New Year!!!!

This is my second blog post since I launched my blog four months ago. 

Really sorry for the four months break. Just to let you know am fully back, I will be writing at least one new post weekly.

I just submitted my first WordPress plugin to the WordPress.org plugin directory and it was accepted. It is now available to download.

The plugin Voguepay Woocommerce Payment Gateway  allows you to accept payment on your Woocommerce powered site using Voguepay payment gateway.


Voguepay is a unique online payment processor whose vision is to offer buyers and sellers a secure and easy-to-use means of transacting business online.

VoguePay allows site owners to receive payment for their goods and services on their website without any setup fee using either Mastercard, Visa Card (VbyV), Verve Cards and eTranzact .

This plugin is free to download and use.


If you will like to contribute to the plugin, feel free to fork the repo on GitHub.